Repair and maintenance instructions for various Hitachi washing machine models can be found below. They are designed in the form of tables for your convenience: you can quickly locate one of the most common technical issues, determine what could have caused it, and repair the structure on your own.
The instructions were written by the official manufacturer and are simple enough for the average consumer to understand.
In addition, the error codes for the most popular washer models are included. If the washing machine displays a specific error code, you can quickly identify the issue and resolve it – no need to look through the written manual.
Please keep in mind that some models have the same set of error codes, so if your washer model isn’t listed, some manuals can still apply.
The vast majority of technical issues with Hitachi washers can be resolved on one’s own. If you don’t have any technical knowledge, however, contact a competent support center.
Hitachi BD-W3300 washer error code
Hitachi BD-W75TSP washer error code
Hitachi HWF-800X washer error code
Hitachi SF-140SV washer error code
Hitachi SF-P90DJ washer error code