Get Biofuels Pros And Cons
Images. Biofuels may emit lower carbon footprints but the process involved in the production of. Biofuel is a source of energy, that comes from the various products and byproducts of plants.
But as with any new technology, it's important to weigh the pros and the cons. The best part is that the emissions coming from direct usage in automobiles is far lesser as compared to those from conventional fuels such as gasoline. List of pros of biofuels.
Biomass can be produced from liquid or gaseous fuels.
Biofuels were created as an alternative to fossil fuels in order to reduce the pollution produced by the transportation and energy sectors. Learn more about the types and manufacture of biofuels as well as their economic and environmental. With current engine technologies, biofuel can be used which can even extend the working life of engines. Conclusion on biofuel pros and cons.