24+ Role Of Antenna In Communication System
Background. It is used in both the transmission and reception of radio frequency signals. The relevant electric fields associated with an antenna are extremely complex and have the general form:
The advantages of this proposed antenna are light weight, easy fabrication and installation, and moderately high gain compare to the other antennas in the cellular phone system at present. Terahertz (thz) links will play a major role in high data rate communication over a distance of few meters. First, we give a brief overview of smart antenna.
Antennas play a very important role in the field of wireless communications.
Issues considered include channel capacity computation, channel measurement and modeling approaches, and the impact of antenna element. The relevant electric fields associated with an antenna are extremely complex and have the general form: Various calculations regarding the channel capacity, antenna gain, transmitted power versus distance etc. The antenna has a compact size of 16×20×1.6mm3.